The Noland Trail 50K will give runners the opportunity to race the ONLY event run on the beautiful Noland Trail in The Mariners’ Museum Park. The 50K option will consist of 6 laps on the trail, and a short section of course before and after each trail lap. Runners will be required to submit a projected pace (time limit is 8 hours and clock starts at 7:30AM) for the run. Using this pace, runners will start at various times throughout the morning beginning at 7:30AM. The intent is that all runners/teams will complete the run between 12:30PM-3:00PM. The finish line will open at 12:00PM and close at 3:30PM. It is important that the pace you submit when registering be accurate as it will help to keep traffic on the trail controlled, and also avoid you finishing prior to the finish line being open.

Registration is limited to 150 participants in the 50K!



The Noland Trail 50K will give runners the opportunity to race the ONLY event run on the beautiful Noland Trail in The Mariners’ Museum Park. The 50K option will consist of 6 laps on the trail, and a short section of course before and after each trail lap. Runners will be required to submit a projected pace (time limit is 8 hours and clock starts at 7:30AM) for the run. Using this pace, runners will start at various times throughout the morning beginning at 7:30AM. The intent is that all runners/teams will complete the run between 12:30PM-3:00PM. The finish line will open at 12:00PM and close at 3:15PM. It is important that the pace you submit when registering be accurate as it will help to keep traffic on the trail controlled, and also avoid you finishing prior to the finish line being open.

Registration is limited to 150 participants in the 50K!

50K Participants Receive:

• Race Shirt

• Custom finisher’s medal

• Chip-timed race

• Entrance to the Mariners’ Park Fall Festival

5oK Participants Receive:

• Race Shirt

• Custom finisher’s medal

• Chip-timed race

• Entrance to the Mariners’ Park Fall Festival


The course takes place on the Noland Trail inside Mariners’ Museum Park in Newport News, VA.

Lap Distance: Due to the location of the start/finish area, all 6 laps will not be equal in distance. The breakdown is as follows:
• Lap 1- 5.30 miles
• Laps 2-5- 5.25 miles
• Lap 6- 5.16 miles

Race organizers will define turns and ambiguous areas to ensure runners run the desired path. For training purposes, runners should plan to mostly run on the defined portion of the trail and not the side areas.

Aid Stations

There will be two on-course aid stations located approximately at miles 1.5 and 3. Race organizers will manage aid stations to keep product ready and available, but stations will be self-serve for runners. Various fluids and snack-type foods will be provided at aid stations. More details will be provided in the runner information sent out a few weeks prior to the event date.

Portable Toilets

For your convenience and use during the race, portable toilets will be available at every aid station.


The course takes place on the Noland Trail inside Mariners’ Museum Park in Newport News, VA.

Lap Distance: Due to the location of the start/finish area, all 6 laps will not be equal in distance. The breakdown is as follows:
• Lap 1- 5.30 miles
• Laps 2-5- 5.25 miles
• Lap 6- 5.16 miles

Race organizers will define turns and ambiguous areas to ensure runners run the desired path. For training purposes, runners should plan to mostly run on the defined portion of the trail and not the side areas.

Aid Stations

There will be two on-course aid stations located approximately at miles 1.5 and 3. Race organizers will manage aid stations to keep product ready and available, but stations will be self-serve for runners. Various fluids and snack-type foods will be provided at aid stations. More details will be provided in the runner information sent out a few weeks prior to the event date.

Portable Toilets

For your convenience and use during the race, portable toilets will be available at every aid station.


Age Requirement

All 50K runners must be at least 18 years old by November 1, 2025.

Pace Requirement

All race events have an 8-hour time limit which starts at 7:30AM. This translates into a 15:15 minute per mile pace requirement for participants. The finish line will close at 3:30PM.

Packet Pick-Up

Participants can attend packet pick-up at Tortuga Field on October 31 (10:00AM-5:00PM) to receive their bib and shirt. If you are picking up a packet for another runner you must fill out and bring this authorization form. Race day packet pick-up is also available.

Finisher Items

Finisher medals will be distributed to finishers during the race. Finisher medals or packets will not be mailed to registrants who did not participate.


Age Requirement

All 50K runners must be at least 18 years old by November 1, 2025.

Pace Requirement

All race events have an 8-hour time limit which starts at 7:30AM. This translates into a 15:15 minute per mile pace requirement for participants. The finish line will close at 3:15PM.

Packet Pick-Up

Participants can attend packet pick-up at Tortuga Field on November 1 (10:00AM-6:00PM) to receive their bib and shirt. If you are picking up a packet for another runner you must fill out and bring this authorization form. Race day packet pick-up is also available.

Finisher Items

Finisher medals will be distributed to finishers during the race. Finisher medals or packets will not be mailed to registrants who did not participate.



Athletes will have an opportunity to set up “camp” around the start/finish/exchange zone area. Obviously, this will be a long day regardless if you are running solo or as a team. Athletes are allowed to bring 10×10 tents to the athlete area and set up a space to hang out, relax and recover in for the day. We encourage this as we want this area to be energetic and alive throughout the day. Teams are encouraged to arrive together and cheer one another on. We do ask that you limit tents to 1 per team to ensure we have enough space for everyone. Set up will be available Friday, October 31 from 10AM-5PM on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Gear Check

We encourage athletes to use the team space in Tortuga however, there will be an area near the conclusion of each lap that will serve as Gear Check.

If you or your team would like to leave nutrition, hydration, or bags – they can be left at Gear Check & easily accessible at the conclusion of each lap.


Athletes will have an opportunity to set up "camp" around the start/finish/exchange zone area. Obviously, this will be a long day regardless if you are running solo or as a team. Athletes are allowed to bring 10x10 tents to the athlete area and set up a space to hang out, relax and recover in for the day. We encourage this as we want this area to be energetic and alive throughout the day. Teams are encouraged to arrive together and cheer one another on. We do ask that you limit tents to 1 per team to ensure we have enough space for everyone. Set up will be available Friday, October 31 from 10AM-5PM on a first-come, first-serve basis.


We encourage athletes to use the team space in Tortuga however, there will be an area near the conclusion of each lap that will serve as Gear Check.

If you or your team would like to leave nutrition, hydration, or bags - they can be left at Gear Check & easily accessible at the conclusion of each lap.

Trail Etiquette

A key component of this event will be that participants are aware of their surroundings, and considerate of their fellow runners. We encourage all participants to run to the right of the trail when possible, allowing passing runners by on your left. When necessary, runners should communicate with one another using terms like "on your left" or "runner left". We anticipate that staggering the start times for different paces will help with congestion on the trail, but runners will need to take some responsibility in this effort as well.


Trail Etiquette

A key component of this event will be that participants are aware of their surroundings, and considerate of their fellow runners. We encourage all participants to run to the right of the trail when possible, allowing passing runners by on your left. When necessary, runners should communicate with one another using terms like "on your left" or "runner left". We anticipate that staggering the start times for different paces will help with congestion on the trail, but runners will need to take some responsibility in this effort as well.




©2023 Flat-Out Events | 744 City Center Blvd., Ste. 100 | Newport News, VA 23606
P: 757-880-8843 | E: